Monday, September 16, 2013

The Last Baby...

In about a week, our youngest child will turn nine. Wow. I've heard many moms say that "time flies," how "they grow so fast," and I'd grab these nuggets of wisdom and store them away in the back of mind. Not forgetting them, but processing them over the years. I've done this for almost 16 years.

But it only occurred to me (in a heart-wrenching way) a couple of weeks ago that we also have a sophomore in the house and her days of living at home are dwindling away. :(

And it also only hit me a little while back when friends were visiting with their two and four-year-old sons, that my days of toddlerhood and preschoolers are gone forever...

(Suffice it to say, when I sat on the floor with the two-year-old boy singing Row Row Your Boat, I relished in the moment!)

So now it's my turn, when you think you'll be changing diapers forever and never getting a moment to yourself, remember this is just one season of your life. Revel in it, because sooner than you think, you'll actually reminisce about the tough moments and grin and when you think back to the better times, it will be bittersweet.

But this post is a celebration of growing up. About how we all grow up, even our last baby. One day the dolls will be stored away in our basement, the dog won't have someone to sit with on the floor, that the days of putting up streamers and decorating cupcakes will be memories of my kids' childhoods.

And because this is our third child, I did relish every moment, I did secretly smile at the antics, holding my hand over my heart (the way Husband often does when he talks about our beloved children.)

What a privilege to have children in the house, making it a home...


Tamara Camera said...

Beautiful. I feel that way about my second. Since I don't know that a third is coming, I do relish every moment with him. And with his older sister as well! I don't think I did as much when there was just one. I just wanted time to pass and to get onto the next stage. Now, less so.

AiringMyLaundry said...

Fabulous post. I try to relish every moment with my kids.

Suzanne said...

I think it's harder with the first child, I remember feeling overwhelmed at times!

Suzanne said...

Thanks! I'm so glad to hear the positive feedback from many blogging moms about their own brood! :)

April said...

This brought tears to my eyes, Suzanne. What you wrote is so very true. My oldest girl is a SENIOR in college and my youngest is a JUNIOR in high school. I'm here to tell you, it goes by in a flash! Learning to loosen the apron strings and let go...hardest thing ever.

Mommie Daze said...

My baby goes to kindergarten next, and I'm realizing this is the last year I'll have someone home with me all day. I'll miss having my little buddy around!

Mindy said...

Awwwww. With both our older two kids in school now, Baby and I are spending the days home alone together. It's crazy to be home in the house with just one again. I've already spent hours sprawled out on her bedroom floor with books and toys. And even more hours singing songs to her. It's so sad to think this is the last time I'll be doing all these things. Until I'm a grandma. :o)

Blond Duck said...

That's so sweet. We're trying for kids, and I can only hope I feel this way someday!

Suzanne said...

Awww, thanks April. I've seen your girls and they are beautiful! Thanks for dropping by...

Suzanne said...

I love how you said 'nurturing her' because that's what we do isn't it? That's our role, and our hope is that their future is a bright and happy one. :)

Suzanne said...

Oh what a special time! (I still think they're babies until about second grade!) Enjoy! And if you have a chance to visit in the classroom, I highly recommend it, those kindergartners are precious!

Suzanne said...

Hey Mindy! That's how it was with my youngest, that time was soooo special and sweet (knowing she was the last.) I totally know why people love being grandparents, they get to hold and play with babies again without the nightly feedings and toilet training!

Suzanne said...

How exciting! Yes, babies change everything! I remember feeling this incredible protectiveness I never knew I had until our first daughter was born. I'm so thankful that I was able to have three children, nothing compares to it! Good luck with your plans for your future family! :)

Unknown said...

Suzanne, I have a 19 year-old, and a 6&8 year-old. Having the older one certainly lends a unique perspective to the little ones and the speed with which their childhoods fly by!

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