
Monday, April 28, 2014

Out of Hiatus

I know, it's been forever since I last posted. I'm sure you've been wondering what I've been up to…

1. I wish I had been doing this all that time…

Instead I decided to read more, journal more, pray more, exercise more, enjoy quality time with Husband more, and chill out with my girlfriends more. :)

Husband and I commiserated together over the Badgers loss… :(

2. I've also started tackling our sunroom (aka the computer room, the music room, the dog's room,) I ripped out carpet and padding and was going to paint the concrete floor until I realized the owners before us had glued some of the carpeting directly on the floor…soooo, now I will have to put in flooring (and eat the cost of all of that because I am not even going to try to scrape heavy duty adhesive off concrete!)

Speaking of the sunroom, I really, really want to add wainscoting or board and batten on my own, but I'm scared to tackle such a project all at the same time! I also want to paint the paneling, but can't decide on a color, so basically, I'm in a state of DIY paralysis!

3. One of my previous clients has become a friend and I'm excited to read the book she is working on (if you are wondering who she is, all I can say is she used to write for major primetime television shows and she is awesome! Stay tuned on all of that!)

4. I once wanted to start selling my cheesecakes and I'm dabbling with the idea, again. So I've been baking. This weekend I made key lime cheesecake, it must have been good, because it's all gone!

5. Husband and I continue to travel and learn about the nano/micro brewery business, we've attended a few local wine and beer tasting events and are planning more trips within the next three weeks! Woohoo!

6. One of my best-est friends Christina and I have reconnected and are playing worship music again! We are looking forward to this event:

In the upcoming month I will celebrate my birthday/mother's day, chaperone a third grade field trip, try to get away with Husband for an advance anniversary trip, have a garage sale, sing and play for offertory at church, meet my magazine deadlines, attend our children's softball and baseball games and basically try to enjoy any day where the weather is 50 degrees and above!


Cat @ said...

You have been busy! And it sounds like you have more busyness ahead of you. I can commiserate a little on DIY paralysis. It will be interesting to see what flooring you choose in there... and I think you should go for the wainscoting! But that's easy for me to say, since you would be the one to actually do the work :) But I think it adds so much to any room.

Mindy said...

Makes my head spin just reading about all of it! Good to see you pop in!

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