
Monday, May 16, 2011

Really? You Don't Have An SLR?

What's more mundane than clothes pins?

I'm living proof that you don't have to have a fancy-schmancy camera to take great pics.

In fact my Canon point-and-shoot is a hand-me-down from my mom. Not to belittle the power of a Canon, (I happen to still have a manual one that uses film) but if you don't have an SLR, you are capable of taking great pics with great lighting.

The above clothes pins shot was not manipulated at all. I do use a photo editing program (Photoshop Elements) but truth is all you need is good lighting and you can pull off some pretty shots.

I wouldn't compare my pics to those of professionals (or the bloggers with Nikon and Canon SLRs) but I'm pretty proud of photos. In fact blogging made me realize how much I really like photography and how much I  love taking pics of food!

Apple Pie, yummm

Or even those rainy day pics...

I guess even in the blogosphere there can be a feeling of "keeping up with the Joneses," and it really shouldn't be that way. Our blogs are expressions of our creativity! Not how much we spend on gadgets or designers. So enjoy! Love your blog and your little point-and-shoot! :)


Andrea said...

Even though I have a SLR I will forever love my point and shoot:-) I take it with me everywhere!

April said...

I never would have known, Suzanne...your photos are so IMPRESSIVE!

Anonymous said...

Yes, your apple pie looks yummy! You do have awesome pictures! I've always heard that no photo editing can really make up for great lighting and exposure. ;) Now, learning about lighting and exposure is still something I'm working on too!


Anonymous said...

Ok now I want apple pie! Great photos!

Kristy said...

I still have a point & shoot! One day when I "grow up", I hope to have the real deal!

Nelson said...

Hello my friend! I have been visiting your blog. Cool! Seriously, I thoroughly enjoyed your posts. Congratulations for your work. I invite you to visit my blog at:
Thanks for sharing

Jami said...

I can barely take good pictures with my fancy camera!lol

Noelle said...

beautiful pictures...I love the rain shots!! I try not to have keeping up with the Jones' syndrome, but sometimes I feel like my lil ole blog and not that great pictures are substandard, but I love the community of bloggers and I just keep blogging until i get better!!

Small Burst said...

It's not the camera, but the person behind it! But seriously, I thought your shots were taken by a dslr. Great lighting does make a big difference!

Mindy said...

I always blame my poor shots on my lack of a fancy camera. You are proving it's user error. :o)

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