
Monday, April 11, 2011

A Cook And A Baker

I was flipping through one of the Barefoot Contessa's cookbooks when I read that people are usually either a 'baker' or a 'cook,' but not both. After last year's plethora of desserts (read this post) I realized that I am a baker.

My husband is most definitely the 'cook' in our house (even though I cook the majority of the meals.) His ability to throw ingredients together and make a dish astounds me. I cannot cook on the fly. It only comes out bad.

When I bake, I'm so careful with my measuring. I even remember someone telling me, when I was really little (either my mother or my neighbor who occasionally babysat me) that when you stir the ingredients, you need to stir 'only in one direction.' Still not sure why.

This past week I baked a chocolate snack cake from scratch and cookies for our son's class. My husband has had burgers and pork chops on the grill since the weather has finally warmed up a little.

So that's my question, are you the cook or the baker? Or is it possible that you are both?


Esther said...

I am definitely both. I love to whip up a meal from scratch, but then I'm thinking about what dessert I can make. Guess I'm well rounded!

April said...

I'm definitely more of a baker...I enjoy it more than cooking, but I can do that, too! I love to make cakes and all sorts of yummy desserts!

Marlene said...

I am both! My husband helped with cooking until I became a stay at home mom. (18 years ago!) Now he is out of the habit and when he attempts to cook, the results are not very good. When baking I follow the recipe but when cooking dinner I only semi-follow the recipe. Over time I've gotten pretty good at "throwing things together".

Anonymous said...

I'm both! My husband can't bake or cook to save his life. :)

arielle elise. said...

my goodness....too bad my husband isn't the cook of our house...haha! ;) i don't cook much here but hoping to get a little better with it! baking is certainly easier for me.

Casey Martinez said...

I would have thought that people are only one or the other but, based on the comments it sounds like many people consider themselves both surprisingly...maybe because they have no choice?? I am definitely the baker. I do also have to cook because I am the stay at home momma but, I am not good at it and I do not enjoy it!! My husband finds cooking theraputic so whenever he can I let him do it! lol

Alely said...

i am neither one! i am the foodie! lol! i cook because i have to for my family. i bake because i love sweets but don't enjoy that either. my dream is to have one of those machines that the jetsons had in their cartoon. you know push the button of the food that you want and it comes out for you or my own personal chef.

Kristen said...

I can do both, but I think I prefer cooking - playing with ingredients and flavors and textures is a lot of fun for me. Lately I've been reading cookbooks like they are novels. My favorites: The Flavor Bible and Ratios. Definitely worth a glance if you have time.

anyaadores said...

I am defo the cook - for some reason every time I try baking it ends up looking like the dogs dinner (biscuits) and taste similar. But throw me in a kitchen - ohlalala.
A xx

Andrea said...

I am the cook and Phil is the "griller" ha! I can't bake worth anything but give me a some chickem, corn and cream of something or another and I can whip up a nice hot dish:-)

lesa said...

I am a baker! I love to look at barefoot contessa cook books because I'm not a very good cook..she makes it look so easy and fun.

The Michelle Show said...

I am definitely a cook! I hate baking, and I can never ever get a dessert to come out just right! I choose savory over sweet any day.

ben+alex said...

i do both but i think i am definitely more of a baker. baking is just more fun for me.
but i do think that is is possible to do both. my mom is definitely both!
i am also not able to cook on the fly. i have to carefully follow a recipe:)

just found your blog and love it.
new follower.


An Oasis in the Desert said...

I do both, but my favorite is baking. I think the only reason I can do both is because I follow recipes. I may change up a few things to suit our taste, but I still follow the basic recipe. You have to do that when you are baking. If you are a creative baker, which I am not, I think there is a lot of calculating & a real need for knowledge of what reactions you get from certain combinations of ingredients. You can't just add & taste the way you can do if you are cooking. Our son is a prime example. He is a chef, but has a difficult time baking. His wife, on the other hand, is a pastry chef & is very good. Both are fun. I really do enjoy both, but especially if I'm cooking and baking for something special.

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