
Tuesday, May 13, 2014

At The Dog Wash

Who couldn't love a face like this? Juno, our three-year-old English Mastiff is the most loving and sweet-tempered dog. The perfect family pet. But without a regular bath, she stinks to high heavens.

So I was super excited when e-cloth came knocking (well not literally,) and asked if Juno could try one of their products. Juno said "r'okay…"

e-cloth is a brand that has been enabling chemical-free cleaning in the UK since 1995 and in the US since 2008. e-cloth®'s cleaning products work with just water to meet all cleaning challenges. We picked the large cleaning and drying towel, because if there's anything that this dog is, is large. Maybe even extra-large. My guess is that she's just short of 140 lbs.

Husband and I picked the one day that was forecasting 75 degree weather and hosed her off. (Here in Wisconsin, we are celebrating any day that is above 60! Brrr...) A dog this large cannot get washed in a bathroom, otherwise it's fur ball city and days of wiping off walls!

She doesn't look happy, does she? She hates baths with a passion, but when she is dirty, our whole house is dirty. *sigh* Although you only need water when using e-cloth products, we did opt to use our dog shampoo because it has been a long stinky winter for Juno.

After the shampooing and more hosing off, we got to use her new towel.

Oh yeah, look how it picked up all that hair! The towel also absorbed a lot of the water, so she dried faster than when we use regular towels.

"Please be done soon, I'm exhausted."

Ooh, that smoochy face! Thanks again to e-cloth for the towel, I was able to wash and dry it, no problem, and we're looking forward to using it over and over again! You can sign up for their emails for special promotions and follow them on Facebook! Stop by their website and pick one up for yourself, I know your pet will love it!

*Disclaimer: I was sent the large towel from e-cloth to review. I received no monetary compensation for this post. Any opinions stated are strictly my own.