
Friday, September 6, 2013

What Do You Do All Day?

Has anyone every asked you that? Or insinuated that maybe you didn't do much because you're a SAHM? Then you need to read this book.

A few weeks ago (when I was away on a week-long business trip) I was able to start Amy Scheibe's novel "What Do You Do All Day?" about a stay-at-home mom who was struggling with her decision about leaving the "working" world and choosing to stay at home with her two children instead.

Her adaptation of mommy hood hit the nail on the head. She didn't sugarcoat it, or pretend by any means that mothering was the easy road taken. In fact, some days it was incredibly draining. (I sense she had hands-on experience with this topic.)

I mean, on a tiny side note, as a mom, who has time to read a book anyway? If you work outside the home, you are exhausted when you get home because you face all that your family and home demands.

But if you stay at home, you're either up to your neck in diapers or the messes your children have created and ready to secretly run screaming out the door when your husband arrives. (Don't judge me, I have three kids.)

And let's not delude ourselves that working from home is a treat either, because somehow laundry and dust bunnies are always calling your name as is your computer/phone/clients etc all at the same time.

I'm almost done and have enjoyed reading this book, but if it takes me another few weeks to finish it, don't think it's because I'm a slow reader, it's probably because the oven/dog/softball, baseball, play, swim team practices are beckoning.


Mindy said...

Funny. I've been asked that. And actually, my neighbor once not so nonchalantly suggested that I get to relax all day, since I stay home, while my husband works his tail off at a "real" job. He's lucky he didn't get punched in the mouth.
Sounds like a good read. I'll have to check it out. I LOVE to read, but haven't picked up a book since Baby was born. :( Maybe once all three of them are in school, I can read it. lol

Suzanne said...

Reading is a luxury for me. Seeing as I spend all my time watching soap operas and eating candy... :)

Unknown said...

I work from home and have been continually asked that question for years! It is so frustrating. I sit at home eating bon bons and watch Jerry Springer repeats. Noooooo... Between work and kids and house and other responsibilities, I never stop! Need to check this book out. Thanks for posting!

Suzanne said...

There are many good things about being a WAHM, the time flexibility, being able to be there for your children...but there are many things missing: someone paying into a retirement fund, healthcare insurance and vacation days!

Unknown said...

Oh, I wish I could count the times I've heard this! (Mostly from Hubby...) I need to get a copy of that book! Although, as you mentioned - whether I could make the time to read it or not is another story...
So glad we connected! Thanks for stopping by on Twitter!
Andrea @ Cloud Nine Chic

Suzanne said...

There are days I DO work away from home and no one asks "how come the laundry/dishes/beds/etc. aren't taken care of?" Funny. Guess when you work away from home, it's considered "real" work... *sigh*

Unknown said...

So glad I found you! Deciding to stay home Again- with High School age kids has been a big change for me:) I know it's what God is calling me to- but hearing other Mom's struggle with the same "What do you do all day" questions gives me courage:) Can't wait to read more!

Suzanne said...

Hey Molly! Staying home with my kids was never an option for me, I knew I wanted to be a SAHM! But as they grew (as did the bills) I had to supplement our here I am.

I do a lot of computer work and sometimes I have to pull away (for my eyes' sake!) The thing is, when I do "take a break" I'm usually getting supper ready for the family! Not exactly the life of luxury. Glad you stopped by, and yes, there are many of us out there who are dealing with the same WAHM issues!

Tamara Camera said...

Sounds like an AWESOME book. I think many of my friends in SAHM situations have the dreaded arguments with their spouses about whose life is harder. My husband and I generally don't do that because I think it's a draw. He has a crummy work situation, but gets to take breaks from it on weeknights, weekends and holidays. I generally love being at home, but I get no breaks! I've been told I'm not actually a WAHM but I totally think of myself as one! It never ends - the kids, the messes, the photo editing, the blogging.
And yet, I love it all. (except the messes)

AiringMyLaundry said...

I read that book awhile back! And people ask me that a lot since both my kids are in school. Someone said to me, "Do you just watch TV all day?" Uh. No. I take the time to clean and run errands in peace.

Suzanne said...

Agh! The messes! Sometimes I have to turn my back to some of it so it doesn't distract me while I'm working! I completely hear you!

Suzanne said...

OMgosh! If I watched TV all day then I'd have to give up sleeping and work at night. Which sometimes I do when I'm deadline!

I like to tell people that I can't leave my work at the office, it follows me EVERYWHERE I go, which includes weekends!

Unknown said...

I would love to read it because I think the cover is compelling. As is the subject : ). Plus, I have to pick our book club book next month.

Suzanne said...

Ohhh! I wish I could join a book club. Maybe one day when I'm retired? ;) Thanks for dropping by!

Cam said...

I've heard of this book and wanted to read it. As you said though, finding the time seems nearly impossible.

Suzanne said...

So sad isn't it?

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