
Saturday, January 21, 2012

'Take Your Husband To Work' Day

When I decided to create my own career path, (using all my jane-of-all-trades skills) I never would have imagined that working could be so fun. But it was today, when I invited Husband to come to work with me. My job was to sample food at a new diner in a neighboring town. He didn't seem to mind one bit.

We feasted on hamburgers, beer battered french fries, French Dip and BBQ pulled pork sandwiches. (It's 5 hours later and we are still full.)

The best part was when we got to sample all of the desserts. Oh my, I love pie, how about you?

I've decided that every time I have to go do food reviews, they will become deligated "date nights."

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

I Don't Make Resolutions...

But after a month of yummy cookies and holiday debauchery it's time to lighten up...especially interested in the Cinch! book by Cynthia Sass.

We'll see how this goes...

Monday, January 16, 2012

Valentine's Day On Pinterest

I told Husband months ago, "Pinterest is going to be the next big thing!" and I was right! I've been reading a lot of articles concerning Pinterest because some of my clients are looking to join the newest social networking hype.

Personally, I love Pinterest! It's a great resource for recipes, tutorials and creative DIY projects. This month I've been pinning all things related to Valentine's Day, because here in the Midwest it gets very dreary after Christmas. :(

I've started decorating a little, but I don't have very much...I put this sweet cinnamon-scented heart on our back door.

Last year I created this Valentine's Day version of subway art.

Looking for a new way to display those Red Hot candies...

I'm still combing the internet for unique and inexpensive decorating ideas. Follow me on Pinterest and check out my newest pins! Oh, and happy pinning!

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Redefining "Mommy"

When all our kids entered school, it became a season of "re-defining Mommy." And that's what I did. I had to figure out what I'd liked and hated about my past jobs and had to create a career that was meaningful, flexible, something I'd enjoy doing and something that would pay!

Just the other day one of my friends said, "I'm still wondering what I'll be when I grow up," when referring to this change of season where she is now a mom to three school-aged children. Another mom friend is thinking about moving out of her teaching profession (after a decade) and into a different occupation altogether.

What is this all about? Does becoming a mother really do this to you?

The short answer is yes.

Your priorities change (along with your body and perhaps shoe size.) And if you are like many of my friends, you didn't put your lucrative career on hold to child rear, just to pick it up again when you were good and ready. You probably kissed it goodbye, embraced motherhood and could never imagine a day when you weren't hauling a child on your hip or cutting up someone else's meat.

And then they grow and go to what?!

Oh a lot of searching, researching, reading, praying...

This new career path would have to offer me what I needed the most: to keep my priorities, my priorities. My top 3? Faith, marriage and family. Here are the questions I asked myself about my next job choices:
  • If the kids are sick, can I stay home without losing pay?
  • If the kids have a concert/field trip/class event, can I be there?
  • If Husband has a meeting/trip, can my schedule be adjusted to comply with his?
  • How much do we actually need me to make?
  • What kind of benefits do I need?
  • Can I be disciplined enough to: be my own boss; work from home; juggle multiple client deadlines?
I took the plunge and I'm into all sorts of crazy right now (but it's good crazy!) and will share more as my work evolves.

But the bottom line is this career of mine has given me a great deal of flexibility, something that you can't always put a price tag on.

What season of motherhood are you in right now? How have you redefined your life/career/choices?

A Struggle For All Of Us?

*I originally wrote this post months ago, and yet I still struggle with the same issue, what's your take on this? I'd love to hear your thoughts.

I don't like challenges. Okay, except when they include things like raising the bar on my blog, whether that be in regards to design (which I have been known to change often) or content (being real in my writing without compromising my family's welfare.)

I was challenged the other day about forgiveness, or more accurately, lack of forgiveness. Ouch. Tough topic. It's amazing our capacity as humans to justify our actions. How we can judge others and not see our own inequities.

Past hurts, ongoing hurts, all bring us to this place, a place that if labelled, could be called "a safer place." In reality, it's a hardening of our hearts and the start of that ugly root of bitterness.

Is it fair for me to say we all tussle with forgiveness? I think so.

This is not a post about how to resolve this, because I don't have the answers. It is however, a reminder that forgiving another person is a universal struggle no matter where you are in your life. And not forgiving, albeit human, is not righteous.