
Friday, September 2, 2011

Desperately Seeking Salad

Texas Caviar
We have a party to go to tomorrow and I volunteered to make a salad. I'm kind of tired of the ones I've made. Any ideas? I have lettuce, red onion and chopped walnuts. Could I make this into something? Help!


The Health Revival said...

Sounds like you have a green salad on your hands....use your lettuce, chopped or slivered red onion, chopped walnuts and add chopped apples or pears, and a crumbled cheese like feta or goat (goat would be better). Serve with a good vinaigrette (something fruity).

TIP: soak your apples in a bowl of cold water with a t. of lemon (or lime) juice for a few minutes, then drain and use - prevents discoloration. And, if you don't have any apples on hand, try a dried fruit as a replacement :)

Hope that helps! Enjoy your party :)

Esther said...

I was thinking of the same thing. Add some sliced strawberries and some crumbled feta, and toss with poppy seed dressing. And then bring it to my house.

Suzanne said...

Thanks ladies!

Esther, you make me laugh!

Beth E. said...

Those are great ideas (above). That picture of the bowl of Texas Caviar is making my mouth water, though! Recipe, please?

Marlene said...

I'm with Esther. I think there's a salad at Mimi's that has your ingredients with feta and sliced strawberries and a vinegrette. It's one of my favorites.

And you're killing me with the TX Caviar girl! Might have to whip up a batch this afternoon! Yum-O!

Suzanne said...

Beth, here is the link for where I got the recipe:

I love it! Enjoy!

Taylor said...

hi Suzanne!
I wanted to respond directly to your comment but you have your email access turned off "no reply blogger". If you change your privacy settings on your profile people can get back to you!

All I can say about the weather is after taking until mid june to stop snowing, it had better be a LONG fall!

Suzanne said...

Hey Taylor! That was on purpose (long story but I have a bunch of different blogs connected to that email address...)

At the bottom of this blog is a "Contact" page with my new email address:

Thanks for stopping by! Here's to a long beautiful fall season!

Dawn said...

That salad looked yummy!

Alana said...

Ooh I love texas caviar! But my family's favorite is a good old oil and vinegar salad. They like to keep it simple, but I love adding avocado, baby corn, and banana peppers. Mmmmm...

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