
Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Why You Should Move

I've been packing for a few weeks now and I've noticed how much stuff we're not living with. (ie. extra sheets, certain dishes, books, toys, games) If we really need this stuff, we don't seem to be missing it one single bit.

Part of me just wants to chuck all our boxes into a ditch.

I mean, we are downsizing after all.

Lots of people have been asking if we are moving to a bigger house. (I guess when you have three kids, people assume you need more room, not less.)

The first house Husband and I ever owned. That was SIX houses ago...

My stock answer is:

"Smaller house, smaller mortgage!"

People seem to like that response, and I don't have to say anything after that.

So I think everyone should move for the following reasons:

  • you can get rid of your crap, I mean your stuff.
  • you can be content with less.
  • you have less to dust (or store, or wash...)
  • most importantly you'll realize you're not as materialistic as you thought you were. ;)


Asha said...

I love the reasons for why to have a smaller house :) You have a great blog and I'm now following! I hope you'll follow me back at

Happy Wednesday!

April said...

We'd, actually, like to downsize ourselves now that one daughter in in college and our other will be starting to high school in the fall. Just don't need as much room anymore...sniff, sniff. :)

Casey Martinez said...

We have a relatively average sized home and it's one story and I am SO happy that it isn't huge. Sure, big beautiful homes are the envy of many but, I can barely keep up with my smaller home so I agree with you 100% It's all about simplifying!!

beautiful square feet said...

My friend recently went to work away in South Africa for 6 months and practically lived out of a suitcase the whole time. She said when she came back that she couldn't believe how much stuff they had, and began de-cluttering straight away. I think it's a great idea and I'm trying to be ruthless about the things we keep and get rid of. Thanks for stopping by and following me - will enjoy reading through yours!

Alana said...

Totally agree! With all the tornado business (my family lost three houses) and me starting to pack up to move across the country with my almost-hubby, I've realized that stuff is just stuff.

Anonymous said...

Love it! I have been trying to sell or refinance so I can simplify but it isnt working. I did however get rid of lots of stuff in the meantime and I am trying not to get any new stuff. It is so true that we could live with so much less. I try not to store anything. Its a big thing here in OKLA people rent storage facilities for all there extra crap. Pointless. Stuff is just stuff. I just put my facial studio in my house and all I bought for it was the table. Everything else I already owned or was donated to help me out. The more stuff you have the more you have to worry about.

Alexa said...

Good life lesson indeed!

ann @ my life as prose. said...

you changed your look again! :)

i agree. we had to SERIOUSLY downsize when we moved to arizona. but the nice thing is that i know that we don't have a basement that's accumulating extra crap that we don't want or need.

so that's good. :)

Jana said...

agreed!! smaller house = smaller mortgage...nuff said!

Alely said...

i agree and we are so ready to downsize! unfortunantly, it's not a good time for us to sell right now : ( since we bought our home right before the housing market went down. now we have to wait.

Unknown said...

Having experienced bankruptcy 20 years ago, I agree: stuff is just stuff! We down-sized from a 5 bedroom house to a 2 bedroom mobile home and have never looked back!

I just stopped by from SITS to say hi. Hope you find time to do the same.

MaricrisG said...

I dread the move that's looming in my near future. We're moving because we don't need a bigger house, but we are, because we need to be closer to hubby's business. But yes, it's one way of getting rid of some crap too. You can donate them to Goodwill, if you ever decide to chuck them all up! lol

RC Reese said...

I know exactly what you mean about wanting to chuck all those boxes! Last year I went through a horrible divorce and had to move. I had feathered my nest with all sorts of needless "stuff". I'm still trying to separate myself from of the lingering items...then I ask myself, "why have I done this to myself?", "Why am I spending my time, my precious life, moving things from one space to another? Is it because we were told along the way we needed wedding china and various nicknacks? An excellent post!

RC Reese said...

I'm going to make a link to you post on my blog about this issue because it's an issue I'm also passionate about. Check it out...

erin said...

Can't wait to see pictures of your new place. Our house latest house we didn't go up in size at all. I was all about the backyard. At this season in our life, I feel that if we have a good back yard, we are pretty well covered 3 seasons out of the year. Good luck in your moving!! We get our stuff at the end of this week. :-)

Small Burst said...

Down sizing is good thing. We lived in a large house but to be honest I didn't like the separation. I had to look for my husband instead of just shouting for him-lol. So when we looked for the next house, i wanted something smaller. I like knowing where everyone is and being close. We live in a smaller house now and it's wonderful. We gave a lot of things away and don't miss a single thing!

Brooke said...

Suzanne! I love, love, love this post! I believe in all of it. It's a principal my father-in-law (home builder/carpenter) believes in too! Love it! PS - you made me laugh out loud too! Thanks! xo

Kelly said...

I hear you! I want to move just for that purpose - clear it out! I find so many random books that I'm not reading, why do I still have them!?

Denise said...

we are moving at the end of summer to i-don't-know-where and i have already begun the process of getting rid of crap (it's not stuff, it's crap). just getting rid of it makes ME feel lighter!

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