
Monday, April 18, 2011

Ten Minute Monday Makeovers

Mondays seem a little daunting to most. It's the beginning of another week, full of activities and possibly surprises. But 10 minutes can make a difference in every area of your life, whether that be for your home, for your kids or even just for you. Ten minute makeovers don't have to cost anything either.

What haven't you done because you thought you didn't have the time? Did you really only need 10 minutes?

With my kids off for Spring Break this week, I'm pledging to start taking 10 minutes today to do one of the following things:

- read a daily devotional
- play a card game with my littlest
- re-organize that closet space
- call someone I haven't talked to in awhile
- sit and listen (to whatever - the birds, the quiet, other people...)

How can 10 minutes change your day?


April said...

I love this idea, Suzanne! As the saying goes, "Take time to smell the roses!"

Casey Martinez said...

Ten minutes to pray would really repurpose my thoughts in the morning before facing the day! 10 minutes to sit outside and listen to nature and feel closer to the Lord would be so refreshing! I need to make both of these things a bigger priority! Thanks for the boost;0

Suzanne said...

Today I sat with my son at the library paging through a Pottery Barn book while he looked at a book based on DC Comics. I can't remember when the two of us sat together last.

It was more than 10 minutes, but it was my conscious effort to spend time with him. (We had a nice discussion about superheroes!) :)

Marlene said...

One summer when my girls were younger, we each cleaned out one drawer a day. It took almost no time at all and was a great feeling to have all of our drawers cleaned out. Seemed like it wasn't very many days before we were having to look for something to clean out because they were all done!

Kristy said...

That's really good Suzanne, because many of the things we think we don't have time for, really can be done in 10 minutes. Perhaps if I think of it like that, instead of the chore, I will actually do a few things I have been putting off!

Alely said...

i'm with you on read a devotional!

Heather said...

I have learned that 10 minutes can be an extremely fast period of the day when you find something to do or it can drag on when you're trying to convince yourself that doing something productive would take too much time!

10 minutes can:
Give me time to shower
Fold 2 loads of laundry
Unload and reload dishwasher
Clean and vacuum living room
Devotion and prayer

Miranda said...

This is such a great idea, Suzanne! I'm definitely thinking about how this can apply to my life, especially during stressful school times. Sometimes, I just need to be able to set aside time for me... whether it's prayer time or reading or spending time outside. And this is a great way to be more productive when overwhelmed with the tasks that need to be done! :)
I hope you are having a blessed week, and I LOVE your new header!

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