
Monday, April 4, 2011

Pink With Sparkles

Tonight as I popped popcorn for the fam, my youngest watched. She wants to help, so she does, a little. Lately, I find myself looking at her, really looking at her, and telling her how precious she is. I need to do this more often I think, for more people. But it's easy with her, it just pours out.

I call her my "Mini Me" and she eats it up, like her pink birthday cake from last year, wanting so much to be like mommy. So I tell her, "You're so precious."

She wrinkles her brow, "What does that mean, mommy?"

"That you have a very special place in my heart." (tug, tug.)

"Is it pink? Your heart for me?"

I nod, "Yes."

"With sparkles?"

"Of course."

She beams. It was the right response for this girly-girl.

And I wonder why it's so easy when it's our own children. And I wonder about others, others whom we are also called to love. And I wonder about those special needs babies and their parents. I wonder about someone close to me who I spoke to today about her autistic son.

Yes, my heart is spoken for. And it is just that, pink with sparkles.


ann @ my life as prose. said...

:) so sweet :)

Kristy said...

Sweet post!

Meri said...

Amazing how God makes our hearts just right for those who occupy it! ;) Lovely post :)


Andrea said...

Awwwww so very sweet:-)

Alely said...

sweetness! looks very yummy!

on another note....girl would you stop changing things around here...everytime i visit somethings i thought i was on the wrong blog! however, if i could do what you do i'd probably be changing mine up all the time. haha!

hope you are having a loveLee day friend! now off to a soccer game!

Beth E. said...

I have a special place in my heart for my two sons. No pink or sparkles involved. ;-)

Amanda said...

this post makes me smile :)

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