
Thursday, March 10, 2011

Ten On Ten:: March 2011

ten on ten button

I'm participating in Rebekah's Ten on Ten photo linky party. I love her idea of taking pics of your day. But the best part is finding the artistry in those photos, because almost anything can be made beautiful. Let's begin with how I typically start my morning, 5:30am::

Then I take the kiddos to school and how about a trip to the doctor's office to re-examine my possible carpel tunnel (blog much? How much is much? Yes, that's a splint I'm wearing.) 9:30 am::

Moving furniture, because vacuuming is needing to be done (and dusting and laundry)...10ish::

Waiting for Spring, but it alludes us right now...(give me a few minutes to dream)

Instead we have least the sun is shining! 11:30ish::

And as usual, lunch is an afterthought, but I am craving homemade Whirly-Popped popcorn, so that will have to do...12noon::

Then I'll keep at my tasks which often includes finding things our dog has chewed...1pm-ish::

Soon, I'll have to practice...before picking up kids, 2 ish::

For tonight, I'll have to get back into the kitchen...3:30-4:30 pm::

Happy Ten On Ten. Link Up, or wait for next month's party! :)


amy said...

Great pictures to capture your day!

April said...

Talk about a busy day! Of course, your beautiful pictures make it all worthwhile!

Rebekah said...

I love your ten!!!

Marlene said...

I love your pictures! They are shots of everyday life but you have breathed something extra in them!

Casey Martinez said...

love your shots! Simple and yet they say so much. The last one made me want some fresh salsa!! your wall color is so pretty!

arielle elise. said...

love these pictures :)
and the name of your blog is lovely!


Angee @ October Morning said...

Great set. It looks like you had a great day.

Rebekah said...

LOVE your set it made me smile! thanks for participating!

Katie said...

Love that last pic! So refreshing!!

mel @ the larson lingo said...

Visiting from 10 on 10! Lovely set of I want popcorn :)

kim {the non-mom blogger} said...

I'm definitely thinking of spring!!! fun set!

Alely said...

great photos friend! might have to link up but will wait for next month!

~april said...

love the name of your blog! hope your wrists feel better soon!

Chris Gough said...

Love the icicle shot! I had a popcorn one as well...looks like a good day!

Busy Bee Suz said...

Dinner looked promising....puppies love to chew don't they???
Icicles? Poor you...bring on spring!
I too worry about carpel tunnel....a hazard for us for sure. take care, Suz

Yanet @ 3 Sun Kissed Boys said...

That first shot is so pretty. I like your captures. :)

Melissa said...

Beautiful pictures!

erin said...

Such a fun 10 Suzanne! love that first photo. :-)

Mirys Segalla said...

I´m glad we live in Brazil... summer and spring all year long!... (but I do miss to see the snow...)

Loved your pictures!

I tryed to do my "10 on 10" project too. I´d like if you could stop by and tell me what do you think about it.

See it at

Mirys (from Brazil )

Anne - Mommy Has to Work said...

I love the pictures! I'll have to try that one day.

Katie said...

That ice!! I can't imagine having that around our house - we have just finished a very hot summer here.

Kelly said...

My fingers started tingling today at work, I fear it's carpal tunnel! I think we DO blog too much!

Anonymous said...

Really love the book 'heart' shot : D

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