
Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Sometimes All It Takes Is A Little Glue

Some mornings, that first hour with the kids, is basically a test of a mother's patience. Breakfast options are being chosen, lunches are being packed, forms are getting signed and fires are being put out. Not literal fires, but fires that cause a 6 year old to cry, a 13 year old to question her attire and a 10 year old boy to ponder over choices he needs to make.

This morning was that kind of morning, like re-gluing googly eyes on a penguin to pacify my youngest daughter. And offering fashion advice to my 13 year old daughter who was in a conundrum over what kind of shoes to wear to with that polka dot top. For my son, the middle child, deciding whether an after school activity trumps the weekly chess matches at the library.

And this all goes on all at the same time. Oops, let's not forgot about the 50+ lb. puppy who is sniffing the two, yes two, urine spots on the carpet from the night before (that were cleaned, mind you) but still evident this morning.

I'm thankful that I did not raise my voice even though there was a lecture-ish tone in it. I'm thankful that I did not cry over my spilled (beloved-home-brewed-by-my-husband) Starbucks coffee. I'm thankful that allowed my son to make his own decisions without influencing him with my own thoughts. I'm thankful that somehow, some day, my husband will steam clean the heck out of those urine spots.

I wasn't always this patient, let me restate that, I'm not always this patient, I'm still learning. Still learning with 13 years of motherhood under my belt. Still learning that these moments, even the bittersweet ones, like holding my youngest because she can't stop coughing, will fly through my hands leaving me with only faded memories of what it was like when my nest was full.

I linking up to A Helicopter Mom, Take It From Me's Welcome Wednesday, and Follow Me Wednesday!


Andrea said...

I am learning the patience game as well, it's quite a challenge hahaha:-)

Unknown said...

Hi! I'm stopping by and following from Follow Me Wednesday. I hope you'll check out my blog Frazzled Mama at and follow me back.

A Helicopter Mom said...

Your youngest sounds just like my oldest. Mornings are so hectic!

I'm following back. Thanks for visiting and following (300! yay!) A Helicopter Mom. :)


erin said...

Whew, what a busy morning! Some days its like we are off to a leisurely start and I have everything ordered to happen just so. Then other times its complete chaos. Although, the chaos that is the hardest for me is the hour or so before dinner where my kids are hungry and acting in a way that I know food would appease them, but yet we are waiting to have that family meal with daddy.

Katie Gates said...

Thanks so much for stopping by for my SITS day. I enjoyed this post and look forward to reading more!

Jade Rahl said...

Returning the follow!

Anonymous said...

Wait until they are teenagers and so self sufficient. You will miss this. I'm a new follower from Follow Me Wednesday.

April said...

This truly put a lump in my write so beautifully! Yes...cherish each and every moment you have with your kids...I'm here to tell you that it goes by so much faster than you can ever imagine.

Casey Martinez said...

Ahhh, what in life requires more patience than being a momma...I have yet to find anything that requires more! AS we speak my little one has fought her nap for the past 3 hours and she is wearing me ragged today with her crying and leg hanging but, as you said, I am choosing patience. Inside I feel worn out but, outside it's worth it to keep it together because you are so right. These moments are so brief in light of time!

Heather said...

I posted earlier this week about losing my patience with the kids. Kudos to you!

I'm now following you!

Romina Garcia said...

Awesome blog!
I'm your new follower on GFC.
So glad I found you with the hop!
You can reach me at:

Jami said...

Love it! Mornings can be so hard. I definitely pray for wisdom and peace every morning. It's true that my attitude usually sets the tone. Way to keep calm :)

Sarah said...

I am a new follower from I ♥ Blogging, thank you for joining our hop! I would love if you could stop by

Melissa said...

I love "ubrlu." Umbrella, right? I love emergent spellers! Nice job, little one!

Brooke said...

love this, patience, glue, spilled coffee and all! xo

Beth E. said...

You are so right! Enjoy every tear, every conundrum, every decision, every distraction...that nest will be empty before you realize it!

P.S. I'm still trying to figure out "igow"?? ;-)

Suzanne said...

Hey Beth! I didn't realize that I would need to decipher what my daughter wrote!

"I" is for "igloo," of course. ;)

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